What is a Personal Life Coach? | Handel Group

What, Even, Is a Personal Life Coach?

A life coach, at Handel Group, is an expert at getting humans to make their dreams come true.

A Handel Group coach acts as leader and guide for your personal life, teaching you how to solve the problems that are undermining your success and happiness. With compassion, respect, wisdom, and a sense of humor, we blow the whistle on what’s between you and what you most want. 

We look at your dreams and goals for every area of your life. Then we assess your current reality. Wherever there is the biggest gap, that’s how we know where to start putting together a personalized coaching plan that fits you and helps to make your dreams a reality.

Our coaches will have you get into the right actions that enable you to achieve your goals. We help you to establish your own personal definition of success, identify your goals and arm you with the tools to make it happen.


What is the difference between a life coach and a therapist?

Like therapy, the deep, trusting and safe relationship that your coach creates with you is pivotal to the success of coaching. Unlike most therapy, coaching is directive in nature, action-oriented, and focuses heavily on the homework you will be assigned in between sessions. In order to break through the barriers that are holding you back, our coaching challenges your behavior, and the narratives you live by. 

You could work with a life coach to achieve a particular goal or reach a heightened level of consciousness, fulfilment and success, whereas a therapist is a medical professional who you might meet with and talk to on an ongoing basis to help navigate life experiences. 

The process of 1-1 coaching is impactful and inspiring. However, because we aren’t trained to treat mental illness, The Handel Method works best for people who are already healthy but are struggling in one or more areas of their life to be happy, successful and inspired. We recommend that people in emotional crisis or dealing with mental illness, clinical depression, or trauma find a trusted therapist. 

Many people will see a therapist at the same time as working with a personal or professional life coach. They can absolutely go hand-in-hand to support you to reach your dreams.


What can a life coach help with?

Most people hire a life coach to help them have a more fulfilling life, improve or change careers, lose weight, find love, or to deepen, resolve and/or fix relationships.

We work on your life in any (and all) of these 12 areas: 

  • Self – how you feel about yourself, your personality traits and habits.
  • Body – including weight management, health, and fitness.
  • Love – finding it, staying in it, relationships, dating, and marriage.
  • Career – professional development and executive coaching.
  • Money – negotiating a pay raise, getting out of debt, investing in your dreams.
  • Time – how to master your schedule and calendar to get what you want out of every day.
  • Home – do you love where you live? Does it feel like an oasis? Does it represent who you are in a way that you’re proud of?
  • Family – relationships with your parents, kids, step-family, and in-laws.
  • Friends – developing and assessing friendships, do you respect and love your tribe?
  • Fun & adventure – travel, learning new things, enjoying life.
  • Community & contribution – how you’re giving back to the world, are you fulfilling your purpose?
  • Spirituality – whatever that means for you; God, spirit, Mother Earth, your mind.


How does life coaching work?

The main principle we teach our clients in The Handel Method is Personal Integrity, which is your ability to keep a promise to yourself that is a match with your goals. It is the alignment of your head (thoughts), heart (dreams) and body (actions).

A good life coach will help you to not just fulfill your commitments to everybody else on planet Earth, but to really keep a promise to yourself. Getting you to be true to your highest ideals for yourself and those dreams in your heart by taking all the right actions that you wish you were taking and you might not be taking right now. You have no idea why you’re not taking them, but we know. 

We know why you might not be able to stick to that diet, or get up at the time you told yourself you would, or reach out to 3 new career contacts every week. We also know how to change that behavior, and that’s what we teach in The Handel Method.


How do I know if life coaching is for me?

You have to need it. You have to want to break through something and believe that something more is possible for you in your life. If you’re bored or have some level of dissatisfaction, that would be a good reason to get a coach.

You don’t have to necessarily fix something. You don’t have to be unhappy, but if you are unhappy in an area of your life, definitely get a coach.

For example, if you were an athlete, and you had a dream to get to the Olympics, you would hire us, as your life coach, to help you get there (in that analogy, you would probably also have coaches for your specific sport, perhaps diet and nutrition, as well).

Or, say you have a goal to start your own business, make a million bucks, sell it and retire young. You’d hire us as your coach to help you break away from your hamster wheel job and make it happen.

Maybe your marriage is fine, but you stopped having regular sex 18 months ago and now all you communicate about is your kids’ schedules. You’d consult with a life coach to help identify the root cause of the issues, have hard conversations with your partner, fall back in love, and reignite the fire in the bedroom.


How long does it take to work?

You will feel a shift immediately

In our coaching methodology, by simply doing the homework that everyone has to do before their first session you will not be the same from the get go. As soon as you start following the instructions we give you, you will never be the same again.

As a guide, in our online life coaching program, Inner.U, with your free masterclasses, it should take around two months to see major results in your life. Just eight weeks, can you handle that?

For personal coaching clients, you probably won’t even recognize yourself in four months. Every session pretty much rocks people’s world if you’re doing all of your work. You are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone in so many ways and it feels energizing and insightful.

Interested in coaching but want to learn more?

Schedule a 30-minute consultation

  • Talk to a human!
  • Find out what HG coaching is all about
  • Learn about our different coaching programs and pricing options
  • Design a coaching program based on your current challenges and goals

What are my options for life coaching programs?

We offer both one-on-one coaching with one of our Handel Method accredited life coaches, and more do-it-yourself style online life coaching programs. 

Our life coaches personally walk you through the process outlined in The Handel Method, They work with you, hand in hand, to achieve your personal goals and reach your dreams. If you have the means financially and are ready to achieve your goals, this is the best option for you.

Our online life coaching offering, Inner.U includes specific programs for life, love, education, and business coaching. They lay out the entire Method that has been developed and taught at over 50 institutes of learning here and abroad, includingt MIT, and Stanford Graduate School of Business  for you to work through at your own pace. 

You connect with buddies and work through the modules together. You also get a free personal one-on-one coaching session and lifetime access to free weekly masterclasses with your membership.


Full disclosure… 

We do not get around looking at other people’s methods or techniques, so we can’t speak for anyone else.

Everything here is about The Handel Method, our life coaching program and methodology that has been developed over 20 years and secured proven results for thousands of humans.

It continues to evolve, too. As our founder, Lauren Zander, discovers more of the dark side of humanity, she innovates to create new ways to shine a light on that. 

Then, she teaches those techniques to our coaches who use it to help you achieve your personal goals and start living an insanely fulfilling life in all 12 areas.

Sounds pretty great, right?


  • Find out if personal coaching is for you by taking our Current Reality Quiz.
  • Learn more about our online coaching course, Inner.U.
  • Book a free consultation to talk to an actual human about the right formula to get you living your dream life.