What gets in our way of dreaming? | Handel Group

The Power of Believing in Your Dreams

On this podcast with Laurie Gerber, Head Coach of Handel Group® Life Coaching, an international coaching company, which specializes in teaching individuals to take focused and powerful action in every area of their lives.
During a time of so much unrest and uncertainty, so many of us are asking ourselves these questions:

  • How do you dream? How do we hold a vision for ourselves during COVID-19?
  • How do we believe in something that we’ve never had before?
  • What gets in our way when it comes to dreaming?

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In today’s episode, we chat about:
The power of a dream, how to dream with the Handel Method behind it, what gets in our way when it comes to dreaming, and Laurie shares her advice for anyone who feels blocked from dreaming because of quarantine and COVID-19.

Laurie shares how we can start to believe in something that we’ve never had before, feeling our way to our dreams, and how by aligning your head, heart, and body allows you to create an action plan.
Plus, Laurie shares where her passion for personal development began and how she found the Handel Method, what it means to stand in your personal integrity, the role of vulnerability in dreaming, what’s bringing her joy right now, and so much more!