What is a tagline and why is it important? | Handel Group

Taglines with Nolan Carroll

Consider this: every person, relationship, and area of your life, whether it’s at home eyeing the Peloton, in bed when your alarm goes off, staring in the mirror (or into the refrigerator), can be summed up in a tagline. A what? From “I got this” to “‘I’m a genius” to “They’re (i.e. your kids, boss, co-workers, and/or all of the above) sucking me dry.” In any area or relationship in your life where you’re thriving, proud, and inspired, you more than likely have some good taglines. And, yes, in any area or relationship where, let’s just say it’s shaky ground, you have bad ones.

Your life is going, well, as well as your taglines.

Learn the power of taglines from former NFL player Nolan Carroll. He learned the importance of having good taglines in his own life from his coach.