Tag Archives: Love

Make Yourself Sacred

 Usually I coach you to make yourself scared, because we know how cool it is to go up against fear and win, but today I am going a little new-agey on you and tell you to make yourself sacred. In other words, you are the source of your own experiences. Too often we erroneously think our […]

Just When You Think All is Lost with Your Love

Awhile back, my husband and I spent two days coaching a couple once so in love, now on the brink of divorce. We had already been working with them individually, with my husband coaching the husband and I coaching the wife. We were managing to help each one cope with the stress of a dissolving […]

Can’t Find Love? Here’s Help

Are you one of the millions of people out there searching for love, but can’t find it? Are you frustrated and annoyed with the dating scene? Is “all the good ones are taken” a popular line of thought for you? Here’s annoying but good news: It’s likely your inability to find love has little to […]

Debunking Your Dating Dumb Ass Theories

She is too funny for me not to “borrow” from. One of our coaches at Handel Group® Life Coaching, Marnie Nir, just published an article about dating mistakes and I just knew you’d be interested in her insights. It already has over 200 comments on Huffington Post, so I know people are really trying to figure out […]

Don’t Get Love Amnesia!

Remember back to when you were really in love and you felt it, in this relationship or a past one. What was it like? How did you feel? Behave? What did you do when it was at its best, most romantic and delicious? I am stalling a bit so you can really get some good […]

The How of Flourishing Relationships

 Usually my husband’s jokes get an eye roll or a snicker from me, but today I tried something new. I told him he is so funny. (He is.) I smiled big. I looked right at him and beamed. I was the sun and he was a big, purring cat, basking in my light. In the […]

Give Thanks For Your Currencies

It’s time to give thanks for all the various currencies in your “pocket.” You’ve got money, time, food and love. Take stock of the currencies that flow through you every day. Did you know you are the master of them all? Did you know how you think and feel and how resolved you are about […]

Dividing the Labor In Relationships

It’s a common misperception in relationships that things should be equal. Not so. Did that get your attention? Keep reading. Do we agree that most fights in relationships have to do with unmet expectations about who is responsible for what? (This includes keeping love, romance, trust and sex alive and thriving!) For example, you might […]

I’m Just Not Romantic and other Lies

Okay this one has some tough love in it – beware. I’m thinking your whole life is based on your theories. If you think true love is hard to find, you will probably manifest just that. If you think you can’t trust people, you will probably find it to be true. If you believe that people […]

Stop Withholding Your Pleasure

Especially you ladies (and yes, I am going to generalize here; please forgive me and know that I know no generalizations are totally true), you are going to need to stop withholding your pleasure from your mates and dates. Your pleasure is what makes the world go round. Go ahead, smile. Doesn’t that feel good? […]