What's holding me back in life? | Handel Group

TAG! You’re It!

Have a seat. 

If you’ve got a brown paper bag to breath into, a meditation app to breath along with, or one of those stress balls, have it handy. I want you to consider something. Don’t worry, I’m not going to call you a chicken, brat, weather reporter, liar, your mama, or a disgruntled two, etc. *Smirk.* This time, I want to share a new human hack with you that over here at HG, we’re playing with, causing magic around, and loving. 

Wait for it: Your life is going as well as your taglines. 

As your what’s? Whether it’s at work, home, the gym, in the mirror, with your family, about your body, your sex life, the dating sites, etc., you name it: every person, every relationship, every area and constituency in your life can be summed up in a one-liner. Worse than “can be” summed up in one…they already are. You see, if you’re human, you have an opinion. Worse-r than that, if you’re human, anything you believe, you prove. 

Uh-oh, is right. 

Seems, as usual, our smartness is killing us. Simply put, any area or relationship in your life where you’re currently rocking, where you’re successful, happy and proud – whether you know it (not) or not – you’ve got good taglines, from “I’m your go-to person” to “I’m great with numbers” to “I can turn shit into gold.” BUT, on the flipside, any relationship or area in your life where you’re on shaky ground, you’ve got bad one-liners, from, “I hate socializing at parties” to “my partner is a narcissist” to “my metabolism sucks,” and so on. 

Truth is, we’re conjuring taglines and living into them all of the time as if they were, without question, THE truth. Unbeknownst to us (until now), our taglines could have been conjured by us back when we were 8 years old OR as new as last week when you were shocked by THAT co-worker (you know the one) and made up another one-liner on, for the sake of argument, um, millennials!

Problem is, at the moment, these life-coloring taglines are not only being unconsciously perpetuated by us, they’re informing what we think, what comes out of our mouths, and what actions we take or don’t take. 

Here’s another way to look at the level at which our current reality’s taglines drive us:

Imagine that each of our taglines are correlated to the speed we’re driving through life. If we have a great tagline in an area, we’ll go fast. For example, if you have a tagline at work for yourself like, “I’m a genius,” well, away you go, things will move quickly and epically, right? But in any area where you’ve got crap one liners, you’ll go slowly. In other words, if we’re not currently and consciously gaming our taglines, it’s like driving our “cars” in neutral, cruise control, or even worse…reverse.

 Until now, that is. That’s right. Pull over. 

Allow me to put my blinker on and go first with a few of my own old, solidly mediocre, taglines and the new ones I invented to replace them with (coming to an assignment near you):

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My teen daughter:

  • Old tagline: It’s all turning out…eventually.
  • New tagline:  She’s magic. Her destiny is epic.

My 82 year old dad:

  • Old tagline: Pushing to stay as long as possible.
  • New tagline: 110, baby!

My coaches:

  • Old tagline: Cute puppies.
  • New tagline: My leaders and sacred people.

My Clients:

  • Old tagline: I rock them.
  • New tagline: Fairy God Mama.

Can you see how some of my old tags, “fine” as they were, were not going to prove my world, my people, my future (or theirs) EPIC? And, if I’ve been doing this work on myself for over twenty years and my one liners were only good-ish, think about what some of YOUR current taglines might be for your constituencies.

Scratch that.  Don’t think about it. List it.

Make a list of the most important people in your life as well as the most important areas of your life (link here: for helpsies). Next to each person and area, list your current taglines. Some of them, I promise, aren’t so nice! It’s okay. Remember: we’re not the nicest of species, we just play one on TV…sometimes. 

Then, you’re going to write a new tagline for each person and area of your life. One that would inspire you AND have the person, relationship, or area wildly shift, where the new evidence you’ll now be garnering to prove your tagline true will epically rock both your and their worlds. Ready?

Tag you’re it.



P.S. Inner.U is a 12 session online course that gives you the tools to hack into your own life, hone your dreams, and have every last thing you want in the areas that matter most to you: CAREER, MONEY, LOVE, TIME, FAMILY, and HEALTH.
Do this life thing better from wherever, whenever.