My Secret Sauce – Personal Integrity 101 with Julie Serot of The Dharma Circle | Handel Group


3:00 PM ET
Thursday, May 13th
Led by Inneru Author

My Secret Sauce – Personal Integrity 101

Want to know the key to self-love, confidence, and profound happiness?

It’s not what you think.

Good news! It’s easier. But it’s a muscle that needs exercising.

The ability to keep a promise to yourself that is a match with your dreams, which we call Personal Integrity®, is the secret sauce to personal pride and happiness. It is the alignment of your head (plans), your heart (desires), and your body (actions).

In this insightful presentation, we will:
Dare you to design your dreams
Debunk your excuses and bad theories
Teach you how to keep a promise to yourself

You will walk away (from your screen) with a new perspective, an inspired personal plan for your life, and the tools to cause the change you want most.

What’s more romantic than fulfilling your dreams?