Make love in a long-term relationship last. | Handel Group

How to Make Love Last

Laurie Gerber, head coach at the Handel Group, shares her insights on how to make love in a long-term relationship last.

The relationship and marriage coach shares some of her counsel to couples and, with candor, she also talks about her own near divorce experience. Laurie was about 10 years into her relationship with her husband when she discovered, although it looked great from the outside, the two had grown apart and were really just going through the motions. Laurie realized the love affair she was really having was with food — sugar in particular — and that she had to stop pretending and look at how her actions had helped cause the rift and how she needed to change to repair the relationship.

Laurie has done a TEDx talk and appeared on shows including A&E’s The Marriage Test, the Dr. Phil Show and The Today Show. She also hosts monthly dating and relationship webinars on Match and JDate.