Handel Group

The Party Policy

I can’t tell you how many brilliant humans I coach who, as smart as they are, often play a little duhᐧmbfounded when it comes to having deep and connected conversations — whether it’s with their co-workers, employees, bosses, partners, teens, etc. Let alone with someone they’ve just met and want to get to know! 

In these odd (to say the least and the nicest) times, isn’t it about time we bypass the bullshit and go deep, QUICK? I mean, come on: F talking about the weather. 

[What?! It could stand for forget, forgo, or forsake!}

Don’t get me wrong, there isn’t one of us – myself, friends, and family included – who couldn’t easily get caught up in a shallow conversation; from what happened at work today, to what do you do, to where do your kids go, to who do you know, and so on. 

Truth is, it was actually my two sisters and my fault that we even started curating dinner conversations in the first place. Hard to imagine, I know (cough, cough), but whenever my sisters and sister-like friends get together – no matter when we last spoke, even if it was twenty minutes ago, it’s as if it’s been AGES. Often, much to some of our polite-r, non-interrupting, passive aggressive-r partners’ dismay.

Namely, mine.

For the past several years, Friday night dinners have become a mainstay at my sister Marnie’s house and although everyone, of course, is BEYOND welcomed to join in our “catch up” yack-fest, the men in our group, just sorta watch and, well, watch. 

I remember this one time, in particular, when my husband, David, the politest of the lot, half-jokingly, kinda cutely, slightly pathetically, raised his hand to see if he could get a word in. And, voila, in that moment, we adopted the following new party policy:  

For the first 20 minutes or so of every gathering, the sisters and friends are free to hungrily “catch up.” However, once we sit down to dinner and everyone gets comfortable, one person, usually my brother-in-law, CEO of HG, and party host, Shir quiets us down (see: he’s Israeli and has substantial military training) and introduces the process of curating a conversation to any newbies at the table. We do this at every dinner, no matter how many people are at the party, from 8 to 48.

And because having connected and curated conversations has been such a game changer for us, I’m sharing them with you. Because if we’re ALL not the ones causing connections, who is? 

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So, here’s a sampling of some of our favorite curated conversations, ranging from the shallow end of the pool to the deep. Obviously, “swim” at your own pace (only better!) and anything you ask, be prepared to answer. Some are more “out there” than others. But remember, the bolder you are in your life, the more the people in your life will meet you there.

Shallow end:

Knee deep:

Deep end:


You know how the warning label on certain risky things usually reads, “don’t do this at home.” Our recommendation is quite the opposite: do this at home and, while you’re at it, everywhere else, too.



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