How Do You Make Honesty Sexy? | Handel Group

How Do You Make Honesty Sexy?

Laurie Gerber is the Head Coach at Handel Group Life Coaching.  Passionate about personal development, Laurie has been coaching individuals and groups for over 15 years. She specializes in relationship and marriage coaching, and she spreads her message of empowerment through public speaking events, such as the 2019 TedX Brooklyn, live international events, one-on-one coaching, and virtual coaching courses. Laurie has been featured on dozens of television, podcast, digital, and print media outlets, including top appearances on MTV’s True Life Special: I’m Getting a Second Chance, A&E’s The Marriage Test, the Dr. Phil Show and the TODAY show. Laurie also hosts monthly dating and relationship webinars on Match and JDate, providing dating, sex, and relationship advice.