Resolutions SUCK. Most of us drop the ball by February, leaving us feeling guilty, unmotivated, and STUCK. What a way to start the new year…not. We all like to make resolutions: exercise more, eat better, Netflix less, etc. But these resolutions are nonspecific and vague. It means that there’s not much holding us to them—and […]
Are you dealing with holiday stress? The gift frenzy, the out-of-town family visits, the hectic schedule … This time of year offers a golden opportunity for everyone to slow down, savor time with family, honor traditions, and take a break. But for so many of us, it can wind up being the most stressful time […]
The holidays are here, and much of this time involves participating in rituals and traditions we both love and hate: last-minute shopping, familiar sibling arguments, predictable overeating and drinking. Truth be told (but it often isn’t!), we EVEN resent the happy rituals sometimes, like the hours spent preparing Christmas dinner or wrapping presents. It’s easy […]
Why tell the truth? According to a 2016 study, 1 in 6 Americans are on some sort of psychiatric drug, mostly antidepressants. Imagine what it is now. The statistic alone is depressing. But what if our unhappiness epidemic has way more to do with us than we know (or are willing to admit)? What if […]
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Boy, do we humans ever have an arsenal of excuses. We use them to explain, justify and/or self-impose a limitation as to why we can’t do something. THE reason we can’t get a promotion. THE reason we can’t tell the truth to someone. THE reason we no longer let ourselves get excited before a first […]
These days and weeks, all across the world, students and educators are returning to school after the summer. Ideally, to a safe, healthy, in-person learning and teaching environment having emerged from the pandemic even stronger than before. But what if our reality – as students, teachers, or parents – looks very different from that? More […]