Building Diverse & Inclusive Cultures | Handel Group

The American
 Dream Game

For Individuals

The American Dream Game is a Point Made™ interactive game. The game can be played virtually and is designed to create a stronger sense of empathy for people experiencing bias and better understanding of the systems and policies influencing inequity. We incorporate The American Dream Game into many of our offerings to cause a deeper sense of understanding and facilitate deep conversations amongst the team.

Consulting Services

Diversity Assessment

The culture assessment is geared toward identifying DE&I opportunities within your organization. Our coaches will conduct a series of interviews and produce a findings report along with recommendations for strategies for how your company can evolve its culture.


For a diversity and inclusion initiative to succeed, it must be fully integrated into a company’s culture and structures. Our offering includes group coaching masterminds to support key leadership and/or team members with executing initiatives.

Executive Coaching

To support key leadership and employees into the future, we offer packages of one-on-one executive coaching that can be executed alongside the Masterminds.

Other offerings

Our HG coaches also offer a number of 1-hour to 90-minute webinar seminars covering DI & E topics that can be tailored to an organization or individual’s needs.

HG can handle Zoom logistics, set-up, and registration for these short webinars.

Please contact Rosa at to learn more and schedule a webinar.