Health Mysteries Solved | Handel Group

Health Mysteries Solved

In the Health Mysteries Solved podcast with Clinical Nutritionist Inna Topiler, the answers are uncovered to her clients health mysteries! In this episode, featuring Lauren Zander, Inna and Lauren dig into Elise’s low libido case. As they investigate the case, the answers don’t readily come from the extensive lab tests, instead, they came from digging into her past and upbringing. Lauren believes that the depth and viability of a great relationship relies on both the enjoyment of life and the romantic partnership. It’s non-negotiable. Couples who explain away their low libido with time-constraints, stress, kids, or disinterest put their relationship at risk. Lauren also points to the ease with which we can move sex to the bottom of the to-do list. But, like going to the gym to stay fit, we need to find the energy for a healthy sex life and make a true commitment to sex (including a promise and consequence). Additionally, Inna and Lauren discuss the role that epigenetics can likewise affect sex-drive. Find out how Lauren and Inna solved Elise’s case by listening to this episode!