Design Your Life: You Must Be Dreaming in partnership with Selena Garefino | Handel Group


12:30PM ET
Tuesday, December 15th
Led by Laurie Gerber
Head Coach

Design Your Life, You Must Be Dreaming

Join us for a follow up workshop to dive deeper into dream writing and participate in live group coaching with Laurie Gerber, HG Head Life Coach.

Without question, it takes something for we humans – even in great times – to have a vision and take the right actions to create the success we want in our lives, both personally and professionally.

In times like these, when worries, concerns, and doubts are also contagious, this is EXACTLY where the rubber meets the road with all of our dreams.

Dreaming wakes us up to ourselves. It gets us in the right fight. It allows us to see where we want to go while showing us the “traffic” that’s in our way. Real happiness comes from knowing that you are giving ALL of yourself and being great, in your WHOLE life — not just one or two areas, where most of us prefer to play.

And not just in good times — that’s easy(ish)– but in hard times, too.