Date Like You Mean It :: Tele-Talk | Handel Group


12:00 - 1:00 PM ET
July 26, 2017
Led by Laurie Gerber
Head Coach

Ready to date like you mean it?  Whether you are looking for your mate or simply looking to date, this tele-talk will help you stop selling out, quit old patterns, and have FUN searching for exactly what you want and find it.

Our tried and true, crass and cool dating formula will introduce you to the 3H’s, those three critical voters inside of you—the head, heart and hoo-ha—and get you dealing with the 4th H: the hunt.

Come join Laurie Gerber, Co-President of HG Life and expert coach to unpickle your picker (i.e., how you pick), and get great at your own pitch.

The life coach is in.