Have you ever found yourself blaming your lateness on someone else’s location? I seriously said to myself, as I was running late to an appointment, “does she realize she lives on Tenth Avenue? That is far from the subway!” If you follow the internal logic in my mind at that moment, it implies that it […]
I believe it’s important to design all areas of your life. And, I mean ALL. From health to love to money to community to learning to fun and adventure to spirituality, etc. But, obviously, some areas get a little more attention than others, like love, career and money. While others, like, LEARNING, get practically no […]
We all have negative traits that come out under certain circumstances at work. Whether it’s when we’re stressed, worried, overwhelmed, or, the new age old favorite, when Mercury is in retrograde. Right? Except, no matter what, no matter how warranted it feels in the moment, our bad behaviors never leave us proud of ourselves. Righteous? […]
by Mark Hyman, MD 9-time NY Times Best-Selling Author and Leader in Functional Medicine We all have heard of the mind-body effect that says suggestions, desires, beliefs, expectations and fears influence what people experience. We all know that thoughts and feelings affect our health. And, we all know that stress is bad for us. I […]
Are you one of those people who incessantly struggles with time and can’t manage your day gracefully no matter how hard you try? Trust me, I understand all too well how, no matter what, something always seems to come up or pull you in (aka Facebook, emails, google chats, snapchats, vlogs, blogs, Norma Kamali pop […]