Now here’s a line I’m sure you’ve heard (or said) before: “If it weren’t for people, I’d get a lot more done.” Okay, it’s pretty clear to most of us how sound that statement seems, but how about how miserly, mischievous, and borderline-mean it actually is? Especially for us “enLIGHTened” folk. As co-president of HG […]
Maybe some of you remember the fascinating study that came out a few years ago from Bronnie Ware, a nurse in a terminal palliative care unit. She polled her patients in their last days asking them what their regrets were. The number-one regret? That people did not pursue their dreams. Kind of sobering, right? And […]
Manifesting [man-uh-fest-ing] verb – the act of causing something or bringing a specific result to fruition by thinking and feeling a certain way. Using imagination to create reality — if you see it and feel it, it changes how you operate moment to moment. The consciousness alters the next action. Many people roll their eyes […]
Warning: R-rated content. Ever wonder why no matter how many mean things your mother said to you when you were a kid (or yesterday), you remember only a select few? Bet you think it’s because, out of the gazillion mean things she said, the particular ones you pocketed were her greatest hits. Maybe… Or, ever […]
Forget frogs, vermin, locusts, darkness, blood, and even seders themselves. I’ve discovered another plague on humanity. And it’s an even bigger problem than, say, lice. We’ve got snice. What’s snice, you wonder? It’s a personality trait I’ve coached thousands of people to dial down because, truth is, there’s not only no truth in it, it’s […]