As the founder and vice-chairman of The Handel Group’s corporate coaching division —and as coach of our top executive clients —I invariably find that when I step into a corporation to start working with an individual or team everyone is gossiping. It’s just a way of life in their workplace and everyone thinks that it’s […]
It feels like I am in a competition with my brain. Regarding feeling great in and about my body, sometimes my brain-brat wins and sometimes I do, though the scales are starting to tip in my favor.For those of you who missed last week’s blog “Cheat Meal Blues,” I wrote about my “binge” (my weekly […]
One of the techniques we use in our coaching, and therefore on ourselves, is the creation of personal “laws.” These self-imposed rules, when followed, are designed to have us feel healthy, alive and proud. It’s a great system…mostly.I am so grateful to have laws for my body and for food; since I’ve implemented them, my […]
Transparent leaders just don’t exist. Much. Think about the leaders you know. Are they telling you the good, the bad and the ugly, in addition to their successes and what to do? You know where that is happening? Where people are really engaged? In 12 step programs. People tell the truth there in order to […]
The “Done Dating?” group tele-course is starting next week and it got me really thinking about the mindset of falling in love and staying in love.So I asked Will, my husband, about why we “work.” His answer:“Lest my wife give you the impression that all is easy magic in our house, let me assure you […]
Chocolate made me a better person. Really. It has special powers. I’ve always known that, but I didn’t realize just how special until I used it to control my attitude and mood for three days straight. Let me explain.You all know I can be a little neurotic. Well, I get extra neurotic before a vacation […]
I watch my 5 and 7 year olds use their imaginations all the time. They create wonderful stories, images and experiences using only their minds. They delight themselves. This is how they grow and learn and live life. Why not me? Growing up meant getting “smarter” and knowing more, but so much of what I […]
I did a little research on what people think great leadership consists of and not everyone has the same list. I’ve been getting a little flack for how “intense” and demanding my definition is, but everything special or extraordinary I ever produced in my life came on the heels of some sort of dare (usually […]
I was fascinated to watch the different forms of my latest tantrum. I love to work. Heck, I love to overwork, and in my recent incarnation as a “leader with spirit” (a religion-neutral version of the term: spiritual leader), I’ve justified working more than ever. But work can become my justification for anything. Will, my […]
In honor of the upcoming “Dream Body” group tele-course and soon-to-be-produced “Dream Body” audio download, I have been thinking about the practicalities of losing weight; there’s nothing spiritual about this conversation. This is just all about the fun of new taste experiences and the delight of really tasting (healthy) food. I challenge all of you […]