No, I don’t mean sex. I mean your skinny jeans.Do you wear something elastic to your Thanksgiving meal or do you find yourself unbuttoning that top button? Often, holiday time seems like the perfect time to literally let loose on your pants and to loosen up (read: compromise) your integrity. Actually, it’s the exact right […]
Remember I mentioned the client who tracked herself complaining to friends to make THEM feel better? Seems if we aren’t busy putting others down to make ourselves feel better, then we are busy putting ourselves down to supposedly make someone else feel better. Ugh. Or we are busy trying to win at “misery poker” so […]
Hi all,I had so much fun doing my impromptu rooftop interview with Kate Northrup Moller, one of my favorite personal growth connoisseurs. Please try to excuse that we are staring straight into the sun and squinting, that day became suddenly and unexpectedly bright. Perhaps it was the content? Anyway, it’s still worth a listen if […]
Do you feel like time is speeding by? How is September already over? Why does it feel like you can never catch up? Are you breathless?I used to feel that way constantly. Especially, in early fall when everything starts up again with a vengeance. That was back when I was only running the private coaching […]
Shannon’s testimonial last week inspired many of you and as a result I picked up some more testimonials. This one is about money and according to a recent survey we did, it’s also the most salient topic on many of your minds! Here it is:Dear Laurie,I wanted to share with you my latest breakthrough about […]
By Leslie Simone, HG Executive Coach Despite your leadership responsibilities, do you sometimes become drained and despondent at work? Or cranky and irritable, but can’t put your finger on the reason? Most of us tolerate staying in this frame of mind from time to time, even though there’s a fairly straightforward and fast way through […]