It’s a common misperception in relationships that things should be equal. Not so. Did that get your attention? Keep reading. Do we agree that most fights in relationships have to do with unmet expectations about who is responsible for what? (This includes keeping love, romance, trust and sex alive and thriving!) For example, you might […]
Recently I was upset to find that I still believe in some pretty dumb-ass theories. Namely, the thought that I am not romantic and that it’s not my job to clean up after myself. Yikes! Gross and unhelpful to my marriage right? But then I realized this is an epidemic, and everyone has his/her brand. […]
Especially you ladies (and yes, I am going to generalize here; please forgive me and know that I know no generalizations are totally true), you are going to need to stop withholding your pleasure from your mates and dates. Your pleasure is what makes the world go round. Go ahead, smile. Doesn’t that feel good? […]