You say you want love. Seemingly, you are searching hard for it. Your friends would all nod their heads in agreement that you are doing the right things, or, at the very least, complaining loudly about it and, therefore, must care. Alas, to no avail, because you have nothing but proof that there IS indeed […]
When was the last time you felt riveted by your career?Ever?The average American lifetime includes 90,000+ hours of work time. If you aren’t rating work an 8 or above on a scale on 1-10, it’s time to deal. Isn’t it time you confront the fact that nobody is coming to fix this problem but you? It’s […]
Spirituality is an area of life we at the Handel Group® ask all clients to address. We don’t teach religion or promote any particular path, but spirituality has to factor in for any human being trying to better his or her life. I recommend yoga and meditation to most of my coaching clients. In fact, I […]
Clinical depression is a serious medical condition that affects millions of Americans every year, but what about all us other people out there who are just plain unhappy sometimes? What can we do to feel better? I have the perfect prescription. It’s called “stop lying.” Lying may be the reason that you feel so […]