We at the Handel Group believe in “designing your life” and the main tools we use are promises and consequences. From scientific research, we know that neurons that fire together, wire together. As kids, we start to make certain associations (for example: candy tastes good) and then life gets designed for us by the hard-wiring […]
This blog is for people who struggle with time. You probably ask yourself: WHY DO I STRUGGLE SO MUCH WITH TIME MANAGEMENT? Because you don’t realize you are in a relationship with time and right now you are allowing that relationship to be dysfunctional. Time is one of the most important relationships in your life. In fact, […]
Have you ever done a detox? It’s pretty radical. Ancient wisdom from many cultures teaches us to leave our land fallow at regular intervals. Taking a break is so important. Whether it’s food, drugs, technology or love – letting something go for a prescribed period of time causes a huge shift that just curtailing won’t. I […]
Our relationships are the most important thing in our lives. I want to talk about how to build a great relationship with your partner. But the points apply to your parents, siblings, co-workers, boss, clients, children and friends as well. Sometimes when you talk to someone and tell them your concerns, it opens up a […]
When the news brings the awareness of actual tragedies into your everyday life, it can be rattling. Hearing about random shootings, missing planes or freak illnesses brings up thoughts and feelings we’d rather not have. Most common: What if it was me or someone I love? Being forced to ask those questions is uncomfortable, yet we […]
Have you ever been in a bookstore and walked past the diet section and seen an extremely overweight woman sitting on the floor searching through stacks of diet books? Well, for years I was that woman. I would spend my Saturday afternoons on the floor of Barnes and Noble drinking a mocha latte and flipping […]