“I always wanted to learn the guitar. Maybe THIS year.” Or…. maybe not. It’s a shame how quickly we dismiss our heartfelt dreams and relegate them to the “someday” bucket list. Why is that? We have many reasonable-sounding excuses. Work is hectic, there’s never enough time, the kids, the spouse, etc. Reasonable, sure. But true? […]
You might think your day unfolds exactly as it’s meant to, but what if you could design every workday? And manifest what you want to bring into your life? What if you could live with more joy, even while leaning into your career? The meditation of designing your day is the work of Lauren Zander, […]
You know your workplace is toxic if one or all of the following holds true: 1) results in the company are down (including yours); 2) you’re scared to talk to people i.e. your boss, your peers, etc. for fear of retribution or not being heard, 3) keeping your head down seems like the smartest option […]