Author Archives: Laurie Gerber

Head Coach

Mastering Time with General Assembly Boston

Is time not on your side? Or used to be… but now that you’re working remotely, or kids are home, or fill in the blank, your relationship to time might just need some “marriage” counseling?! Do your days feel like a battle to beat the clock, make deadlines, uphold standing commitments, prioritize chores, and avoid […]

Speed Coaching with Laurie Gerber

Has your life been on pause since March? If you have been struggling to get back into the groove of things and find a “new normal,” this speed coaching session is for you. Head Coach Laurie Gerber met with Rebecca Butcher for a round of speed coaching that went right for the heart of the […]

How To Become the Person You Were Meant To Be

Zoe Blasky speaks with Laurie Gerber, who is an Executive and Senior Coach at the Handel Group, which is one of the world’s leading coaching businesses. The Handel Group work with some of the world’s top celebrities, including Eva Longoria and Hugh Jackman. Laurie works with clients to maximize their ability to thrive across every […]

The Art of Honesty at General Assembly Los Angeles

Are you completely honest with the people in your life? Do you put off having potentially difficult conversations, or avoid them altogether? Is your best resolution to stay quiet, hope for the best, or try and get over it? Tough conversations take courage, grace, and wisdom. In this webinar, Handel Group’s Coach will teach you […]

The Holidays Are Coming. The Holidays Are Coming.

As much as we can ALL shake our heads wondering where Summer went and how the F-all are we back to school(ish) already, TRULY, when better to deal with one of the most important areas of our lives?  Our body and health. You’ve no doubt heard us say it, but come on, it’s true! Our […]

Tag You’re It with General Assembly Seattle

Consider this: every person, relationship, and area of your life, whether it’s at home on the treadmill (hopefully), in bed, staring in the mirror or into the refrigerator, can be summed up in a tagline. A what? From “I got this” to “What’s that tickle in my throat” to “I’m a genius” to “They’re sucking […]

“I have two coaches & Inner.U LIFE!”

Emily Fletcher Inner.U Testimonial from Handel Group® on Vimeo. Inner.U LIFE is the owner’s manual for your entire life. This online coaching course gives you the tools to get yourself honestly and deeply happy where it matters most to you: your relationships to your SELF, BODY, MONEY, TIME, and more.