Author Archives: Lauren Zander

CEO, Co-founder and Chairwoman

He Said, She Said

Is there an important issue you need to discuss with someone in your life, but you are worried about how they will react? IF SO, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Most people are afraid to have difficult conversations and avoid them at all costs. They run through the conversation in their mind like a movie, playing […]

ASK LAUREN: From Gypsy Girl to Grounded Yogi

Dear Lauren, I’m 26 and a yoga teacher who feels stuck in her life. I hope you can help me. When I was 18, I had no idea what I wanted to do, so my parents encouraged me to travel. This led me to massage school, which led me to yoga training, which led me […]

Beginning the End of the Year

The end of summer is here and fall is just around the corner. I’ve always liked this time; probably because it feels like the start of a new year. In September, kids have gone back to school, the leaves begin to turn and the weather gets cooler. There is a real change in the air. […]

What’s Killing Your Relationships

Why do relationships deteriorate over time? What causes people to disconnect and drift apart? I’m not just talking about intimate relationships between married couples and partners; I’m talking about all relationships. What is causing this epidemic of disconnection? Why can’t we maintain a deep connection with the people in our lives? I’ll tell you why. It’s because […]

Ode to Your Dark Side

Guess what? You have a dark side. Everyone has a dark side. And that dark side is talking to you and filling your head with nasty, mean, dark thoughts on a daily basis. Are you surprised? Most people are. Whenever I mention this to clients, I get the same response, “Huh? Whatta you mean? Me? […]

Failure is Not a Dirty Word

I teach all my clients to dare to dream, to be bold and go after what they really want in their lives. I’m not talking about having one or two dreams; I get clients to create dreams in all areas of their lives. Inevitably, there is one issue that arises when going after a dream: […]

Stuck in Purgatory?

What are you doing excessively in your life that you know is bad for you? Is it alcohol? Overeating? Smoking cigarettes? We all have a dark side and it shows up through our vices. What vice is your little voice talking to you about right now? That is the vice you should consider taking down […]

How to Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

  Everyone has a list of wonderful things they want to accomplish: faraway places to see, books to write, mountains to climb. Some people call it a bucket list or a wish list, but I call it a dream list. There is something deep and beautiful about having a serious list, because it reveals the […]

The Truth About Lying

  Clinical depression is a serious medical condition that affects millions of Americans every year, but what about all us other people out there who are just plain unhappy sometimes? What can we do to feel better? I have the perfect prescription. It’s called “stop lying.” Lying may be the reason that you feel so […]