On Air with Ella Podcast
Ready to start living life right? Lauren Zander talks transformation and the importance of dreaming on the On Air with Ella Podcast!
Ready to start living life right? Lauren Zander talks transformation and the importance of dreaming on the On Air with Ella Podcast!
Living an authentic life, facing up to your internal dialogue and bad habits, failure, dreaming big(ger)
“But what does a life coach really do? “My job is to make sure that your actions, thoughts and feelings match your ideals and dreams. You are your life’s biggest problem and solution… It’s the best bad news ever! Because if you are your own problem, you can do something about it,” says celebrity life […]
I’m about to tackle a subject our kind notoriously hates to discuss. [Including, yours truly!] Actually, it’s worse than hates to discuss … we avoid it like the plague.
There were two times in my life when I asked for professional help. The first was when I was 22, and it’s pretty cliché. I was struggling with a broken heart that induced quite a few crying, drunk dials to my best friends. The girls—bless their hearts—finally intervened and convinced me to call a therapist to […]
Ready to find out what radical truth telling will do to your life? Lauren Zander talks self-discovery and how to give a shi(f)t about our lives on the Earn Your Happy Podcast with Self Love Specialist Lori Harder.
Ready to cut the crap and stop making excuses? Lauren Zander joins Jen Riday of the Vibrant Happy Women Podcast to discuss the right way to dream, how to keep your promises, and how to get closer to living the life you want.
Ever notice how we are constantly talking to ourselves in our heads? We not only profess to know what others are thinking, but also what their responses will be—and even what they really meant by what they said. Especially in the good ol’ month of February as Cupid sharpens his arrows and our Tinder swiping […]
In today’s world, not even Calgon (bath bubbles) can take you away from the dating scene. It’s all right there, played out for you every day on your Facebook or Instagram feed. So if you’re saying, “If I hear one more HAPPY story about love sought and found online, I’m going to not just binge […]
Could living and speaking your truth help you be a better parent? SPOILER ALERT: it’s a big ol’ YES.
It’s nearing the end of January, and I have one question for you: how are those New Year’s resolutions going? You know – the ones that sounded like this: I’m going to lose weight. Eat healthy. Quit smoking. Save money. Be better. Blah blah blah. Though (obviously) I’m a big proponent of self care and […]
Do you want to find out how the truth will set you free? If yes, this is the podcast episode for you. Lauren Zander joins Drew Taddia to discuss how to cut the crap AND tell the truth.