Amber Lilystrom Podcast ft. Lauren Zander | Handel Group

Amber Lilystrom Podcast

Today’s guest, total rockstar and coaching extraordinaire, Lauren Handel Zander, teaches how to utilize The Handel Method. It has been used by dozens of celebrities, CEOs, and entrepreneurs since 2004 and is endorsed by Conscious Capitalism as its learning platform of choice for its members and leaders. In this episode, we dive deep into a straight-fire conversation as Lauren explains how to use tools to hack into our own lives, hone our dreams, and have every last thing we want.



In this Episode You’ll Learn: 

  • All about Lauren Handel Zander [ 0:50 ]

  • About the goals Lauren still wants to accomplish [ 4:30 ]

  • Why Lauren created The Handel Method [ 07:20 ]

  • How equality plays a role in lying [ 11:40 ]

  • About Lauren’s philosophy on forgiveness [ 19:10 ]

  • What the “brat phase” entails [ 21:50 ]

  • How to get our dreams out of the fourth-dimension [ 25:30 ]

  • About Lauren’s girls’ group [ 34:20 ]

  • Why we need a vision [ 36:20 ]

  • Ways to make sure we accomplish our goals [ 41:20 ]

  • How to navigate through our worthiness mindset [ 47:00 ]

  • About Maybe It’s You [ 54:45 ]