BFF: Building Fearless Friendships with The NOW NYC | Handel Group


6:30 PM – 8:00 PM ET
Thursday, November 5th
Led by Laurie Gerber
Head Coach

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Fostering long-lasting, couldn’t-live-without, friendships is a skill you can learn. If you’re longing to bring a whole new level of intimacy to your friendships, you’ve come to the right place. Join us as we welcome Laurie Gerber, Head Life Coach of The Handel Group, for this 90-minute interactive workshop and learn how to design friendships that deeply matter to you. This workshop will provide us the keys to having close connections, identifying your values when it comes to friendship and the tools necessary to create a culture of honesty and intimacy in your friendships. Are you ready to dive deeper into existing friendships and/or create new ones that will better serve you?